Research and Innovation for Meaningful Education (RIME)
Research and Innovation for Meaningful Education (RIME) Outcome is the Manifestation of Meaningful Education Background Education aims at desired changes in human behaviours which include knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Our national educational aims and objectives also target to achieve expected knowledge, skills, and attitudes. In most cases, skills and attitudes are not practised with added importance in our education system. As a result, the much expected changes in learners are not reflected in their overall everyday behaviours. We, some teacher educators, felt the lacking and promised to work for the up-gradation of the situation through interventions by establishing an organization named Research and Innovation for Meaningful Education (RIME). By meaningful education, we mean simultaneous development of knowledge, attitudes, and skills. RIME has been working with a view to making our education meaningful by practising virtues such as patriotism, probity, and perseverance. To work for community welfare without remuneration is our motto. RIME was established on the 26th of March 2017, the Independence and National day of our motherland, by a group of teacher educators, researchers, education entrepreneurs, teacher trainers, practising teachers, curriculum planners, textbook writers, and educational leaders. RIME is an edu-cultural voluntary professional learning community (PLC) committed to enhance meaningful education through innovating new ideas, practising values, and conducting research through collaboration. Vision Statement RIME dreams to establish an edu-culture preferring Patriotism, Probity, Perseverance, Prosperity, and Peace (5 Ps)Mission Statement
RIME works for meaningful education through inducing values, conducting research, and bringing innovation. Activities RIME acts as the platform for - education entrepreneurs committed to bring about meaningful changes in teaching-learning those interested in promoting inclusive quality education through collaboration teacher educators committed to cause affective changes through practising virtues and skills leaders devoted to reform education those having innovative ideas and skills integrating ICT with contents and pedagogy preparing future leaders in the field of education conducting research; publishing research journals; organizing conferences, seminars, and workshops; arranging training and motivational programs inducing humane qualities in learners and thus improve life and way of living preparing new researchers in the field of education Honouring teacher educators for their outstanding contribution in the field of teacher education and training.
Research and Innovation for Meaningful Education (RIME)